to check the stable region, let us consider the diagram below: Microwave Technique.similar result can be obtained for with the roles of and interchanged Microwave Technique.the above equation written in the form represents a circle on a complex plane with the center at and a radius with.in deriving the above result, we make use of and Microwave Technique.If we set, the above equation for can be written as Microwave Technique.to simplify our discussion, let us consider the expression that.our goal here is to derive an expression for Microwave Technique.if we square both sides of the above equation Microwave Technique.here D is the determinant of the scattering matrix Microwave Technique.let us consider the first condition that Microwave Technique.for a unilateral device, these conditions reduces to and.we need to find the range that these conditions are satisfied and Microwave Technique.Note that both and depends on and, respectively.the network is said to be unconditionally stable if and for all passive source and load impedance Microwave Technique.note that the overall gain is dictated by the gain due to the matching networks as well as the gain of the transistor.the transistor is said to be unilateral when = 0 or is very small, the unilateral transducer gain reduces to Microwave Technique.is the gain of the input matching network, is the gain of the amplifier and is the gain of the output matching network Microwave Technique.therefore, the transducer gain is given by Microwave Technique.the power available from the source is the maximum power that can be delivered to the network, i.e., Microwave Technique.Transducer Gain and Stability Microwave Technique we can define a transducer gain as the ratio of the power delivered to the load to the power available from the source Microwave Technique.similarly, the reflection coefficient on the output side of the transitor is given by Microwave Technique.the reflection coefficient on the input side of the transistor is given by Microwave Technique.

a single stage transistor amplifier with matching networks at the input and output terminals of the transistor is shown below: Microwave Technique.